statistics: Text file containing OMB (OI) and OMA (OA) statistics (minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation) for each observation type and variable. This information is very useful in diagnosing how WRFDA has used different components of the observing system. Also contained are the analysis minus background (A-B) statistics, i.e. statistics of the analysis increments for each model variable at each model level. This information is very useful in checking the range of analysis increment values found in the analysis, and where they are in the WRF-model grid space.
The WRFDA analysis file is wrfvar_output. It is in WRF (netCDF) format. It will become the input file wrfinput_d01 of any subsequent WRF run after lateral boundary and/or lower boundary conditions are updated by another WRFDA utility (See the section Updating WRF boundary conditions).
An NCL script, $TOOLS_DIR/var/graphics/ncl/WRF-Var_plot.ncl, is provided in the tools package for plotting. You need to specify the analsyis_file name, its full path, etc. Please see the in-line comments in the script for details.
As an example, if you are aiming to display the U-component of the analysis at level 18, use the script WRF-Var_plot.ncl, and make sure the following pieces of codes are uncommented: