As of version 3.7, WRFDA has an improved radar data assimilation capability: there are now two different options for assimilating radar reflectivity data. The first (use_radar_rf) directly assimilates the observed reflectivity using a reflectivity operator to convert the model rainwater mixing ratio into reflectivity and the total mixing ratio as the control variable, as described in Xiao et al., 2007 (; this is the only option available in previous versions of WRFDA. For this option, the hydrometeor partition using a warm rain scheme described in the above reference can be turned on (use_3dvar_phy = .true.). The second (use_radar_rhv) is a scheme described in Wang et al, 2013 (, which assimilates rainwater mixing ratio that is estimated from radar reflectivity, described as an “indirect method” in the paper. This second option also includes an option (use_radar_rqv) that allows the assimilation of in-cloud humidity estimated from reflectivity using a method described in Wang et al, 2013. It also includes the assimilation of snow and graupel converted from reflectivity using formulas as described in Gao and Stensrud, 2012 (