The intention of this letter is to attract your attention on the exces翻訳 - The intention of this letter is to attract your attention on the exces日本語言う方法

The intention of this letter is to

The intention of this letter is to attract your attention on the excessive noises that go out of its house.

The neighbors have formulated many complaints for the noises of its house.

Because the building of municipal house is of reinforced concrete, the noises resound for the rooms of the apartment of the sides, of above and lower, and the excessive noises bother to its neighbors, although you think that it is an only one noise of the daily life. Then we ask you to pay more attention on the noises. We are going to live in harmony like good neighbors.

Thanks for its comprehension and comprehension.

Here we add to inform him that the municipality can come to the legal means like the indication to evacuate the house and the order of ejection of the house etc. in case that the noises are harmful.

Sec. of housing of the municipality of Marugame

※ If it has something that to think about this matter, please I contacted with us in the section of housing of the municipality of Marugame.

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結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
この手紙の意図は、その家の外に行く過度のノイズにあなたの注意を引き付けることです。近所の人の家の騒音のために多くの苦情を策定しました。市営住宅の建物は鉄筋コンクリートであるため、ノイズがために鳴り響く私はそれが日常生活の唯一のノイズであると思いますが、上記と下の辺のマンションの部屋や、過度のノイズが、その隣人に迷惑。その後、我々はノイズにもっと注意を払うようにお願いします。我々は良い隣人のように調和して生きていきます。その理解と理解のおかげで。ここでは、家と家等の排出の順序を排出するために自治体が目安のような法的手段に来ることができることを彼に知らせるために追加 ケースでノイズが有害であること。秒。丸亀の自治体における住宅の※は、この問題を考えるために何かあると、私は丸亀の自治体のハウジング部で私たちと接触してください。

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